The safest help desk for healthcare organizations | Freshdesk Healthcare [en]

The safest help desk for healthcare organizations

Create better end-to-end patient experiences and enable effortless collaboration using Freshdesk Omnichannel, a help desk software that’s perfect for healthcare and pharma companies.

Information Security Compliance Certificate

Streamline patient and internal communication. STAT.

Empower doctors and caretakers to focus on patient well-being and experience by minimizing paperwork and juggling between tools. With a single cloud-based solution to manage medical records, patient/staff interactions, and internal IT support, doctors can:

  • Engage with patients and staff across channels from a unified view
  • Personalize patient care by accessing previous conversations, appointments, medical records, and treatment notes in a single glance
  • Troubleshoot technical issues and raise requests for medical supplies with ease
  • Communicate with specialists, labs, and vendors in real-time right on Freshdesk

Bring all stakeholders to the same page

Administrators work on various tasks that tie together different people, teams, and tools. Give your admins the space to work on the tasks that impact patient lives by helping them:

  • Manage shifts and develop work schedules for teams with a simple drag and drop
  • Initiate billing, insurance, and patient transfer processes in a single click using workflow automations
  • Make strategic improvements by monitoring patient wait-times, satisfaction scores, and volumes with one-click reports
  • Ensure that healthcare providers have the necessary level of access before they can obtain any information

Create seamless patient experiences

Patients expect more than treatment – they want care. Help patients focus on getting better by eliminating back and forth and creating seamless end-to-end experiences right from booking appointments to settling bills.

  • Give patients a choice to reach doctors and practitioners on their preferred channels
  • Allow patients to book, reschedule appointments, fill forms, and pay bills instantly using a chatbot
  • Prevent no-shows by proactively providing confirmations, instructions, and reminders about upcoming appointments
  • Reduce wait times by automatically connecting patients to the right specialists

Manage product development with ease

Prevent lapses and inefficiencies in building and testing healthcare/medical products by equipping your medical research and pharma teams with intuitive task management, automations, and self-service.

  • Enable research teams to communicate with patients and control groups with ease
  • Keep all research and lab teams on the same page by sharing ownership of tasks
  • Make sure deadlines are met by setting up multiple SLAs
  • Ease dependencies by publishing an internal knowledge base that your team can use to look up information or data at any time

Choose the right medical help desk for your healthcare organization

21 days. Unlimited agents. no obligation no credit card required

(Source : Freshworks)
