The Nature of ERP
- December 10, 2012
- Posted by: Parwinee Piyapongpaisarn
- Category: Articles-EN

Time and money are the biggest constraints related to a process of change in a business environment, but the most important issues are about the nature of ERP and IT Business…

“More than half (55%) of mid-market companies said they cannot make data and business process changes to their ERP software without the help of external consultants, which costs both time and money, according to a study undertaken by Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC) and provided by UNIT4.”
What about the rest 45%? How do they make changes to their ERP software?
The answer is simple! They employed highly skilled IT staff as a part of their organizational structure because they believed in ERP and they knew that the skilled personnel would reduce their outsource consultancy costs and also save time.
Consultancy firms usually dawdle over their jobs to make more money. If a company does not employ the personnel who have the knowledge and competency in IT business and ERP systems, then the existing problems and the solutions that are offered by the consultancy firms cannot be brought under control. Worse still, the company cannot control the budget intended for IT developments.
The rest 45% understood that both time and money are important and they made their moves. They hired highly skilled IT professionals or trained their existing team members to save money and time in the long run. Hereby, they have placed themselves among the rest 45%…
The 55% have got the excuse: saving Time and Money! But the real reason would be the lack of perspective and vision.
Failure stories are majority in number compared to success stories in ERP Implementations. We all accept this as “The Nature of ERP”, but the reality is that “Human Nature” and the mentality of the 55% are responsible for these failures, not the ERP itself…