Integrated ERP and CRM from Sage help you see it all
- May 11, 2012
- Posted by: Parwinee Piyapongpaisarn
- Category: Articles-EN
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These days, it’s critical to have a complete view of your customers’ business activity. Sage delivers this level of insight with Sage ERP Accpac and SageCRM.
Out-of-the-box integration between these two solutions enables you to respond promptly and knowledgeably to customers by placing information about prior activity at your fingertips (including orders, shipments, payment history, returns, and pricing).
The Sage ERP and CRM advantage give you:
- One version of the truth: Benefit from shared, consistent data between CRM and ERP applications. For example, customer-facing sales personnel will have confidence that critical information such as inventory levels and pricing information are up to date and accurate.
- 360-degree customer visibility: Gain a complete view of your company’s customers. For example, you can easily analyze which customers are the most important and profitable and which are less profitable. Then optimize these relationships.
- Faster from quote-to-order/order-to-cash: The integration between SageCRM and Sage ERP Accpac enables information to automatically pass from one application to the next. This eliminates the need to rekey data—speeding customer-facing processes, lowering administrative costs, and reducing the potential for error.
(Source : Sage Software)